How does Chiropractic treatment works and who can benefit?
The Elderly
As we age our flexibility reduces. Years of wear and tear on the body can leave them more susceptible to different spinal problems. Chiropractors can help promote mobility, increase energy, and help prevent drug dependence.
Playing and falling of jungle gyms, contact sports, or even falls while running can put stress on the spine. Children should get checked regularly so that any emerging problems related to the function of the nervous system can be timely identified and treated. Scoliosis, not requiring surgical intervention, can be corrected by a Chiropractor before long term damage sets in.
Pregnant women
Torsion within the mother’s pelvis can put undue stress on the fetus leading to the possibility of in utero stress. Chiropractors can help ensure an easier delivery and minimize backache caused by the positioning of the baby or pain caused by ligament laxity. Learning to walk requires lots of falls onto the base of the spine, which can misalign vertebra
Wonderful research is available on the benefits of Chiropractic treatment for colic babies or reflux in an infant. Treatment can also benefit babies that are learning to walk.
Manual or heavy duty workers
They generally do lots of physically demanding work, in a repetitive fashion, which can lead to stress developing on the spine, ultimately causing back & neck problems.
How will the Chiropractor locate my problem?
You will be asked for a great deal of information, not just about the pain or complaint that may have brought you to the practice, but also about your past health history and any other conditions you might previously have suffered from. Some of the questions may appear irrelevant, but they are extremely important to your chiropractor. To ensure that chiropractic care is appropriate for your condition, she/he will need to establish your overall health picture. Chiropractors will refer patients to the appropriate health care provider when chiropractic care is not suitable for the patient’s condition, or the condition warrants co-management in conjunction with other members of the health care team.
Your details are confidential. No one else will be allowed to see the doctor’s clinical notes without your permission.
If your Chiropractor determines that your case can be treated through Chiropractic care, they will seek to remove any fixations present. Treatment generally consists of highly specialized manipulative techniques often referred to as adjustments. Such adjustments are performed by hand and consist of high velocity; low amplitude thrusts being applied to a specific vertebra in the spine.
Manipulation of the affected joint and tissues restores mobility and nerve flow, thereby alleviating pain and muscle tightness, and allowing tissues to heal.
Chiropractic adjustment rarely causes discomfort. However, patients may sometimes experience mild soreness or aching following treatment (as with some forms of exercise) that usually resolves within 12 to 48 hours.
These adjustments are very safe, and some patients can experience immediate relief when the normal joint motion has been restored and the nerves are freed of any restrictive pressure or irritation. In some cases, patients will require a few treatment sessions in order to correct and maintain the problem. No two patients or conditions is 100% the same, so be patient as your body starts to realign itself and learns to adapt to the changes that are occurring.
Your chiropractor may also recommend heat or ice treatment, massage or other suitable treatment. Latest national guidelines on back pain suggest that you should try to remain active, as prolonged bed rest or inactivity may slow your recovery. You may also be advised to take gentle exercise to ease your pain and help your body to recover.
What is a Chiropractor?
If you have never heard of the term chiropractic, it is a Greek word that means “done by hand”. Today, chiropractors are specially educated in treating the joints, muscles and nervous system of the body with their hands.
Chiropractic is a health care profession that focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, and the effects of these disorders on general health. These complaints include, but are not limited to back pain, neck pain, pain in the joints of the arms or legs, and headaches.
As of June 2001 the term 'chiropractor' is protected by law – anyone referring to themselves as a chiropractor has to be registered with the General Chiropractic Council who can also provide details of registered chiropractors.
Chiropractors have broad diagnostic skills and are also trained to recommend therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises, as well as to provide nutritional, dietary and lifestyle counselling.
Chiropractic treatment has a very long history dating back to 1895 when the first official manipulation or adjustment was given. Since its inception, Chiropractic has risen to become the third most used primary health care profession in the world after medicine and dentistry.
What kind of Education does a Chiropractor undergo?
Educational requirements for Doctor of Chiropractic are among the most stringent of any of the health care professions. Currently there are 27 training facilities of which 17 is in the USA, 2 in Australia, 2 in Canada, 2 in England, 1 in France, 1 in New Zealand and 2 in South Africa. Education and training are spread over 6-7 years, after which a master's degree in chiropractic is awarded. The first 2 years include a solid grounding in general science including physiology, biology, inorganic and organic chemistry, physics, psychology, anatomy and related lab work. Following these 2 years students are introduced to the clinical orientated subjects in detail. In the 5th year students are required to write and present a research project and dissertation. In the 6th and often 7th year (depends on how soon a student can complete this) each student is required to take part in an internship, which includes a variety of practical applications and clinical hours in both the public and private sector. Because of the hands-on nature of chiropractic, and the intricate adjusting techniques, a significant portion of time is spent in clinical training.
Doctors of Chiropractics, who are licensed to practice in South Africa, undergo a rigorous education in the healing sciences, similar to that of medical doctors. The course of study is approved by an accrediting agency which is fully recognized by the SA Department of Education. This has been the case for more than 25 years. Before they are allowed to practice, Doctor of Chiropractic must pass all exams and research and become licensed. Chiropractors are also offered post-graduate continuing education (CPD) programs in specialty fields ranging from sports injuries and occupational health to orthopedics and neurology. This extensive education prepares Doctor of Chiropractic to diagnose health care problems, treat the problems when they are within their scope of practice and refer patients to other health care practitioners when appropriate.

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