A Chiropractor’s main concern is your spine and nervous system and how well both are functioning.
Love your spine advice
The spine is made up of 24 individual move-able vertebrae. It starts just below the base of your skull and ends in the centre between the hips. Although each vertebra is separate, they are all connected together by ligaments and muscles, which enable the entire spine to function as one dynamic unit. In between each vertebra is a cartilaginous disc which is there to help cushion and absorb shock, reduce friction between the vertebrae and allow increased movement to occur within the spine.
A pair of spinal nerves exits between each vertebra and each of these nerves comes from the spinal cord, which runs the length of the spine, and extends outwards to form a complex network which ultimately supplies and influences every organ, tissue and cell in the body.
It is a Chiropractor’s task to evaluate the bio-mechanical structure of the spine to ensure that each one of the individual vertebra are moving freely and are not displaced or fixed in any way. Any such displacement or jammed vertebra can cause the spinal nerve that exits from the inter-vertebral foramen or opening, to become irritated either through direct pressure or through indirect stimulation or irritation. Therefore any problem in any one of the vertebral joints can affect the related part of your nervous system, which in turn can lead to such symptoms as pain in the back or neck as well as many other spinal problems.